20.20 CD by Enrike Hurtado [ September, 2023 ]
Published by Repetidorhttps://repetidor.org/en/releases/20-20/
Ghost Futures cassette by Enrike Hurtado [ May, 2023 ]
Published by Crystalmine label https://crystalmine.bandcamp.com/album/ghost-futures
Hardcore Punk Dissasters CD by Enrike Hurtado [ February, 2023 ]
Published by Hazi Esporak! label https://haziesporak.bandcamp.com/album/hardcore-punk-dissasters
801 Songs / WAYGB cassette/digital by Enrike Hurtado [ February, 2022 ]
Published by Crystalmine https://crystalmine.bandcamp.com/album/801-songs-waygb
Design Iñaki Garmendia / Master Fernando Carvalho
Odol Iturrija single by Ibon RG + Enrike Hurtado [ December, 2021 ]
New single by IbonRG with Enrike Hurtado from the translation by Estepan Urkiaga 'Lauaxeta' (1930) of 'La fontaine de sang'
by Charles Baudelaire https://repetidor.org/ediciones/odol-iturrija/
Ibon RG & Enrike Hurtado [ July 2nd, 2021 ]
The tribute by Ibon RG & Enrike Hurtado to the basque poet Joxean Artze is out on vinyl @ Repetidor. Listen here https://repetidor.org/ediciones/omorrumu-bamat/
Article "Afuera: La desaparición del underground como síntoma" [ June, 2021 ]
The article "Afuera: La desaparición del underground como síntoma" by Enrike Hurtado has been published at Ausart journal of arts
Archivo de la confusión. Museo Reina Sofía [ May, 2021 ]
"Archivo de la confusión" is a project by the artist Mattin
He made an open call to "record with your cell phone or any other device an expression of your confusion.". You can listen to the contribution by Enrike below
"The Night Flier" soundtrack [ December 23nd, 2020 ]
The music in the experimental film "The Night Flier" by Jorge Nuñez is made
by Enrike using the Feedback tools at our EHU toolkit.
SPKY by Azunak published by Pan y Rosas Discos Label [ November 23rd, 2020 ]
SPKY by Enrike Hurtado, as Azunak, has been published by the Chicago based netlabel Pan y
Rosas Discos. SPKY has been composed using one of ixi's tools: Tapes
Zarata Fest, Bilbao [ November 22nd, 2020 ]
Enrike Hurtado will be playing as Azunak at
Zarata Fest
The recording of the concert released by AntenaArt https://antenaartbr.bandcamp.com/album/145-22-11-2020
MEM Festival, Bilbao [ November 8th, 2020 ]
Enrike Hurtado will be showing the "(Feedback) What about you girls behind?" sound installation at the Music Ex Machina festival in Bilbao, opening the 8th of November at 13:30
"Feedback I" published at Confinescapes II compilation [ June, 2020 ]
"Feedback I" by Enrike Hurtado published at Confinescapes II compilation by Republica Iberica Ruidista.
Developed using the Feedback module at https://github.com/enrike/ehu
Composed during lockdown 05/2020
Raflost Festival [ May 22nd, 2020 ]
The Raflost experimental music festival in Reykjavik, Iceland, will be streaming a set by Eirikur Orri Olafsson (trumpet) and Thor Magnusson
(threnoscope) from Mengi. Further information about the performance is on the
Raflost Website.
Thor will also give a book talk about my recent book at the symposium in Videy on Saturday, May 23rd.
TENOR keynote [ May 13th, 2020 ]
Thor Magnusson will give a keynote at the TENOR (Technologies for Musical Notation and Representation) conference in Hamburg. This is the 6th
instance of this exciting conference. Info here.
TU guest professorship [ April 15th - July 15th 2020 ]
This summer term, Thor Magnusson will be a guest professor at Technische Universitat, Berlin. I have accepted an invitation for
the prestigious Edgard Varese Guest Professorship. At TU I will give two courses: one practical on new systems design as musical composition using SuperCollider and another theoretical where I introdoce concepts from my Sonic Writing book.
Love Creativity - Pecha Kucha [ February 20th, 2020 ]
Pecha Kucha Brighton is running an event called "Love Creativity" where Thor will present some of the AI research we are doing at the Emute Lab. Further information here.
City Residency and talk [ February 19th, 2020 ]
Thor Magnusson will be a visiting researcher in the Music Department at City University in February 2020. On Feb 19th I will give a
talk on my Sonic Writing book at their regular research seminars. Everyone is welcome!
ICLC in Limerick [ February 5th, 2020 ]
As part of our MIMIC project, Chris Kiefer, Francisco Bernardo and Thor will be giving a workshop, a paper presentation and a workshop on our Sema live coding environment at the 5th International Conference on Live Coding in Limerick, Ireland.
Best paper award! [ December 7th, 2019 ]
Our paper entitled "An AudioWorklet-based signal engine for a live coding language ecosystem" won a BEST PAPER AWARD at the Web Audio Conference in Trondheim, Norway. The paper introduces the Sema live coding environment for machine learning. The paper can be accessed here.
Sema at the Web Audio Conference [ December 4th, 2019 ]
We will perform music, present a paper and run a workshop at the Web Audio Conference in Trondheim, Norway. Our paper is on the new Sema live coding language design system for machine learning we are developing at Sussex. Our performance - Three Pidgins - will use three distinct live coding languages we have created for this performance.
Azunak / Bazterrak split released by Electic reactions [ November 22nd, 2019 ]
Azunak / Bazterrak split released by Eclectic reactions https://eclecticreactionsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/er026-azunak-bazterrak
Helsinki Concert [ November 15th, 2019 ]
Collaborating with Tommi Keranen at the concert for the Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions concert in Helsinki. Tommi will be playing guitar and I will play the Threnoscope.
Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions [ November 14th, 2019 ]
Thor Magnusson will present research during the Socio-Cultural Role of Technology in Digital Musical Interactions symposium in Helsinki. I will talk about ethno-organology.
EmuteLab 4 [ July 25th, 2019 ]
As part of a workshop in live coding and machine learning we are running anEmuteLab gig in the Rose Hill. All welcome!
MIMIC workshop [ July 22-26th, 2019 ]
We are running an artist workshop in creating live coding languages for machine learning and machine listening. This EmuteLab workshop will take place in the Sussex Humanities Lab at Sussex.
Azunak cassette released by CrystalMine [ May 22nd, 2019 ]
Azunak cassette released by CrystalMine. https://crystalmine.bandcamp.com/album/azunak
AlgoMech Festival [ May 18th, 2019 ]
The fantastic Festival for Algorithmic and Mechancial Movement, or AlgoMech will take place in Sheffield, UK between May 17-19th. Collaborating with Helen Papaioannou, we will weave sonic textures designed chill out sweaty algoravers.
BEAST FEaST [ May 2nd, 2019 ]
The Brain Dead Ensemble, consisting of Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris on feedback bass, Alice Eldridge on feedback cello, Chris Kiefer on feedback cello and myself on the Threnoscope will perform at the Beast Festival in Birmingham in early May. Thor Magnusson will also give a talk about my recent Sonic Writing book.
Rewire Festival [ March 29th, 2019 ]
Thor Magnusson will present the Sonic Writing book at the Rewire Festival in Den Haag, Holland. The presentation will be part of a symposium called Instrumental Shifts where some good people will appear, such as Mick Grierson, Anja Volk, Bob Sturm, and many more.
Sonic Writing Book Launch @ the SHL [ March 14th, 2019 ]
There will be a book launch event for the Sonic Writing book at the Sussex Humanities Lab. Thor Magnusson will give a short introduction, Caroline Bassett will respond to the book with her "Notes on Sonic Writing" and there will be a sound installation in the space by Evelyn Ficarra. Alice Eldridge and Chris Kiefer will perform as Feedback Cell and Andrew Duff and Alex Peverett will investigate alien life in modular synthesisers.
York Research Seminar [ March 13th, 2019 ]
The Department of Music at York University has invited Thor Magnusson to give a research seminar on Sonic Writing. This is part of their external lecture series, and the talk will be one hour long with a discussion afterwards.
The Book is Out! [ February 21st, 2019 ]
The Sonic Writing monograph has just been published with Bloomsbury Academic. There will be a launch party at the Sussex Humanities Lab on March 14th, with music by Feedback Cell, Alex Peverett and Andrew Duff, and Evelyn Ficarra. Further information about that on the EmuteLab website.
Ibon RG + Enrike Hurtado. “Joxean Artze. Txoria, Txori” Homenaldia [ January, 2019 ]
“Joxean Artze. Txoria, Txori” Homenaldia
Bilbao, Kafe Antzokia. 2019/01/10 21:30
Donostia. Dabadaba. 2019/01/26 19:30
"Imagen en el sonido" article published @ Uhin nº 01 [ January, 2019 ]
"Imagen en el sonido" by Enrike @ Uhin fanzine nº 01 p. 5-6
Time, History and Materials [ January 26th, 2019 ]
Thor Magnusson will presenting ideas about ergodynamics, related to this recent TEMPO article at this highly interesting Time, History and Materials seminar organised by the Orpheus Institut.
Workshop and paper at ICLC [ January 16-18th, 2019 ]
The International Live Coding Conference will take place in Madrid this time. As part of the MIMIC team, Thor Magnusson will co-present a paper and run a workshop on machine learning in music and live coding.
Echoes of Other Worlds (review) [ January 6th, 2019 ]
The Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media has just published a book review Thor Magnusson wrote for Tom Garner's fascinating book "Echoes of Other Worlds" on sound in Virtual Reality. The book gives a good philosophical grounding for thinking about sound in future media and is published by Palgrave Studies in Sound.
Article in the Tempo Journal [ December 24th, 2018 ]
An article in the Tempo Journal (A quarterly review of new music) by Thor Magnusson called Ergodynamics and a Semiotics of Instrumental Composition has been published. This is a final result of studies done on ergodynamics for the Sonic Writing book.
Book chapter published [ November 15th, 2018 ]
Book: "Txalaparta y vanguardia: los encuentros de Pamplona", chapter: "Los Encuentros de Pamplona en el Museo Universidad de Navarra" by Enrike Hurtado
Azunak. "DUTTUD" track published in cassette compilation by Crystal Mine [ November 15th, 2018 ]
Sonic Writing talk and workshop in Linz [ November 15th, 2018 ]
I will be presenting the forthcoming Sonic Writing book at a research seminar at the Tangible Music Lab in Linz. After the talk, I will give a workshop on the use of the Ergodynamics concept in the design and analysis of new musical interfaces.
Enrike Hurtado + Miguel A. Garcia [ October, 2018 ]
"Sin Título" by Enrike Hurtado + Miguel A. Garcia @
V.A. Compilation with the zine "people shit on everything and are surprised that they only see shit no. 1"
Visindavaka: European Researchers' Night [ September 28th, 2018 ]
We will be work on new music and AI at the Visindavaka science night in Reykjavik. Also got a booth, and we look forward to meet people and talk about new music.
Media Sonorum [ September 8th, 2018 ]
Thor Magnusson performs with Peter Herbert (AT)/Hannes Löschel (AT) at the Media Sonorum concert, which is part of this year's Ars Electronica. We will be performing the Fermata piece.
Ars Electronica Symposium [ September 8th, 2018 ]
We present recent research at the .. under control of music, music under control of ..; composing (in) digital worlds symposium at Ars Electronica.
Fort Process Dispersion [ September 6th, 2018 ]
The Brain Dead Ensemble (Alice Eldridge - feedback cello, Chris Kiefer - feedback cello, Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris - feedback bass, Thor Magnusson - threnoscope) will be playing at the Fort Process Dispersion gig at the Green Door Store in Brighton. Also on the bill will be Zeyn Mroueh and Rdyer.
Azunak @ Gau Maltzurrak - Larraskitu Club Bilbao [ August, 2018 ]
Azunak (E. Hurtado) @ Gau Maltzurrak - Larraskitu Club Bilbao. 8/2018. concert pics
Live Coding at Darmstadt [ July 22nd, 2018 ]
Together with my IRCAM collaborators, Thor Magnusson will be presenting a Music Computing in Live Electronics and Improvisation at the Darmstadt Summer School.
Critical Media in the Arts [ June 19th, 2018 ]
Thor Magnusson presents ideas about the gameplay of musical instruments Critical Media in the Arts: Time, Materiality, Ecology symposium in Birmingham University.
Live Interfaces Conference [ June 14-16th, 2018 ]
The Brain Dead Ensemble (Alice Eldridge, Chris Kiefer, Thanos Polymeneas-Liontiris and myself) will play at the ICLI conference: Live Interfaces in Porto. Thor Magnusson will also present a paper and am chairing the doctoral colloquium.
Enrike Hurtado + Miguel A. Garcia @ BilbaoArte [ May 10th, 2018 ]
Concert by Enrike Hurtado + Miguel A. Garcia @ BilbaoArte. concert recording at Vimeo
Sonido y Acción Sympsoium [ April 12th, 2018 ]
Thor Magnusson will present new research resulting from the work on the Sonic Writing book, at the Sonido y Acción Symposium at Bilbao University.
Performing with Patterns of Time [ February, 2018 ]
A chapter co-authored by Thor Magnusson and Alex McLean on pattern languages in live coding has appeared in the Oxford Handbook of Algorithmic Music and our chapter is available here.
Residency at Queen Mary [ November, 2017 ]
In November 2017 Thor Magnusson will be spending a week at the Augmented Instruments Lab at the Centre for Digital Music at the Queen Mary University in London. Looking forward to some exciting activities there. I will give a presentation on my Musical Organics work, and we are running a PhD symposium afterwards.
Touching Sound Symposium [ September 22nd-23rd 2017 ]
Presenting research at a City University. The Touching Sound Symposium is a two-day symposium which "brings together researchers and practitioners from both a musical (composition, sound art, performance, improvisation) and non-musical background (landscape architecture, dance, computer science, visual arts) in order to develop this field of research, which remains underrepresented in the study of music and sound art practices".
During the symposium Thor will also performed with classical guitarist Petur Jonasson.
Article in the Journal of New Music Research [ September 8th 2017 ]
An article on Musical Organics, an organological study on the classification on new digital musical instruments has been published in the Journal of New Music Research. A copy will be put on this website in due time..
Writer's Residency at Foundation Jan Michalski [ September 8th 2017 ]
Thor Magnusson has been invited for a writer's residency at the Foundation Jan Michalski in Switzerland. I will be working on the Sonic Writing book, along with some very interesting residency writers.
Musical Organics at DPASSH [ June 14-15th 2017 ]
New research from the Sonic Writing project will be presented at the DPASSH conference (Digital Preservation for Social Sciences and Humanities) held at the University of Sussex in June. Thor's presentation will be on the concept of Musical Organics as a system for engaging with the organology of digital instruments.
NIME in Copenhagen [ May 14-20th 2017 ]
Thor Magnusson will be presenting a paper called "Contextualising Musical Organics: Ad-hoc Organological Classification Approach" at the NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) Conference at Aalborg University, Copenhagen. During the conference we will also perform on the Threnoscope with Alice Eldridge and Chris Kiefer on feedback cellos. The Sussex Experimental Music Technologies Lab will have a good presence at NIME this year.
Zarata Lab @ Plutón CC. Valencia [ May 20th 2017 ]
Plutón Zarata Lab (noise Lab): Josu Rekalde, Mikel Arce and Enrike Hurtado will be presenting research outcomes at Plutón CC.
Residencies in the US [ April-May 2017 ]
As part of the Sonic Writing research we will be doing two residencies in the US, exploring archives, interviewing people, giving workshops, organising symposia and more. The first residency is at CNMAT (Center for New Music and Audio Technologies) at UC Berkeley, CA and the second residency will be at CMC (Computer Music Center) at Columbia University, New York.
Sonic Writing workshop at Lydgalleriet [ March 8th-12th 2017 ]
Before the Borealis festival in Bergen, we will be working with author Bergsveinn Birgisson on a Sonic Writing workshop at Lydgalleriet that focusses on topics related to this research. The workshop is offered to students at KIB (Kunst- og designhøgskolen i Bergen), Architecture, Creative writing (Skrivekunstakademiet i Hordaland) and The Grieg Academy (Griegakademiet). The workshop will explore the way we write with particular focus on sound. Abstract poetry like sound-poetry or after-language poetry, textual musical notation, algorithmic notation, secondary musical notation, sound poetry, concrete poetry, and graphic notation are all forms of writing that we will engage with during the workshop. We will make musical instruments, considering how their design is a process of writing. The workshop will be highly interdisciplinary - with participants from institutions of divergent practices - and we will consider approaches in thinking about writing sound, about composing instruments, writing algorithms, speaking notes, drawing sound.
Völuspá/Fermata at the Borealis Festival [ January 26th 2017 ]
Together with Sofia Jernberg, Bergsveinn Birgisson, and Michal Matejka we will perform a piece called Völuspá/Fermata at the Borealis Festival. On the Sunday we will aslo be performing with ixi lang. Programme here.
Experimental Music Lab Presentation [ January 26th 2017 ]
Chris Kiefer, Andrew Duff and Thor Magnusson presented the Experimental Music Technologies Lab at the Brighton: Music City/Digital City event hosted by the Digital Catapult Centre. We talked about and demonstrated some live coding, feedback cellos and modular synths.
"Txalaparta y vanguardia: los encuentros de Pamplona" chapter of book published [ January 2017 ]
"Txalaparta y vanguardia: los encuentros de Pamplona", by E Hurtado published at the book "Los Encuentros de Pamplona en el Museo Universidad de Navarra"