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EHU abstractions ehu is a set of utilities to manipulate video/audio in real time with PureData. It encapsulates the complexity of controlling PD
to allow quick prototyping. Ehu is developed for students to be able to work with PD and video/audio with very basic knowledge of PD or/and Gem.
EHU uses some PD externals included in the extended version of PD http://puredata.org/Members/hans Autoloop
Autoloop is a PD patch that has been developed after several applications doing similar stuff (Shell, Autocrap by www.ixi-software.net).
Autoloop samples sound comming from the sound input of the computer or/and from a sound file. It has several buffers
or layers being played concurrently. It has as well different set of timers that can be adjusted to sample different lenghts
into the layers. So plug your instrument or mic into your machine or select a sound to stream, set some values in the
timers, click start and have fun.
For me it works very well with long sounds (40 min) that contain drones. It chops them creating different layers that loop
evolving slowly. It is also fun to play an instrument into it. License : GPL You need PD extended to run Autoloop. Check the read me file included for more details.