IXI NEWS + EVENTS : 2013-2016 :

Live Coding journal issue [ December 7th 2016 ]
The special issue on Live Coding has been published in the International Journal on Performance Arts and Digital Media. The issue was edited by Kate Sicchio and myself and our editorial is available here.

New Notations Videos [ December 1st 2016 ]
The video documentation from the New Notations Symposium at IRCAM in September are now online on the symposium website under the "Videos" link. I also wrote a blog post about the event.

Bazterrak @OneDroneDay fest. Hangar, Barcelona [ November 26th 2016 ]
Bazterrak (one of Enrike's musical projects) will be playing at the One Drone Day festival. Hangar, Barcelona 26th of November 2016 http://odd.hotglue.me/

Threnoscope & voice [ November 25th 2016 ]
A collaboration with Sofia Jernberg, Robert Kolá? and Michal Matejka at the Next Festival in Bratislava. I will be live coding with the Threnoscope.

Sound Work: Composition as Critical Technical Practice [ November 21st-23rd 2016 ]
A talk called "How I wrote one of my pieces", with a focus on the Threnoscope at the Sound Work research seminar at the Orpheus Institute in Ghent, Belgium.

Festival of Algorithmic and Mechanical Movement [ November 12th-20th 2016 ]
Members of the Emute Lab at Sussex are organising a research strand at the Festival of Algorithmic and Mechanical Movement. The call for proposals can be found here, and registration is on Eventbrite.

Designing Interfaces for Creativity Symposium [ November 3rd-4th 2016 ]
Thor Magnusson will be participating in a panel on virtuosity at the Designing Interfaces for Creativity Symposium held in the Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts. Other panel members are Pollie Barden, Miha Ciglar, and Ben Roberts.

Musical Instruments in the 21st Century [ October 14th-15th 2016 ]
Our good friends in the 3DMIN project are working on a Symposium on Musical Instruments in the 21st Century. The symposium will be held in Designtransfer Berlin and present work that is part of a forthcoming Springer book publication. We will give a talk on visual desing in live coding programming languages.

DiDIY Maker Workshop [ October 6th 2016 ]
We are organising a DiDIY Maker Workshop at the University of Sussex. The workshop is part of the DiDIY research project into maker culture and digital do it yourself (DiDIY). The event is free, but requires registration at the above link, since spaces are limited.

IRCAM residency [ September 2016 ]
The Sonic Wring project involves a residency at IRCAM in Paris. This residency is by invitation of the ISMM team. During this residency, I'm organising a symposium and a workshop called New Notations.

IASPM Roundtable on Machine Creativity [ September 10th, 2016 ]
Thor Magnusson will be chairing a roundtable on machine creativity at the IASPM conference held at the University of Sussex in September, 2016. Panel members are: Elaine Chew, Rebecca Fiebrink, Andrew McPherson, and Bob Sturm.

2nd Make, Do and Bend Day [ July 14th 2016 ]
A group of us at the last Make, Do and Bend Lab got some funding to develop our ideas further. We will be demonstrating them at the next Make, Do and Bend event at Central St. Martin's in London. Further info here

International Conference on Live Interfaces [ June 29th 2016 ]
The 3rd International Conference on Live Interfaces was held at the University of Sussex's Attenborough Centre between June 28th - July 3rd. The conference focusses on the role of the live interface in the performing arts. The keynotes this year were magician Stuart Nolan, instrument maker Kristina Andersen, and puppeteer Roman Paska.

Explora Festival, Bilbao [ September 24th 2016 ]
Enrike will play together with Jesus Jara (live coding visuals with Fluxus) at Explora festival in Bilbao.

Make, Do and Bend [ June 7th 2016 ]
The London Sinfonietta is partnering with the hub to produce Make, Do and Bend - Ideas Lab - a project bringing together musicians, composers and creative technologists to explore how digital technology can open up new forms of interaction.

ICLI conference [ June 2016 ]
We will be presenting our research on an algorithmic txalaparta at the ICLI conference in Brighton

Live coding at Medialab-Prado [ June 2nd 2016 ]
Medialab-Prado in Madrid is organising a series of live coding events in June. Thor Magnusson will present his work on June 2nd, Alexandra Cardenas will give a workshop on SuperCollider and ixi lang, and Ganzfeld will perform.

TENOR conference [ May 27th 2016 ]
Enrike Hurtado and Thor Magnusson have written a paper on the notational aspects of txalaparta practice for the TENOR conference on technologies for music notation and representation. Our paper on the digital txalaparta will be available after the conference.

Interfacing Sound: Visual Representation of Sound in Software [ May 25th 2016 ]
Thor will present some of my visual design and notation experiments in the area of sound software at the monthly Open Sound Collective events in Brighton's Kemptown. The OSC have a monthly meetup for electronic musicians and more info can be found on their excellent webpage.

Designing Interfaces for Creativity [ May 13th 2016 ]
Performance and panel discussion at the Designing Interfaces for Creativity event at the Sussex Humanities Lab. I will be performing on the threnoscope with Thanos Polymeneas Liontiris (double bass) and Alice Eldridge (cello). The lab is in the Silverstone Building, and the event starts at 6.30pm, with the usual beer, wine, etc.

Musical Organics at STEIM in Amsterdam [ May 5th 2016 ]
The Sonic Writing project team is organising a symposium on musical instruments design at the central studio for the study of electronic instruments, STEIM in Amsterdam. The symposium includes 12 key presentations, 6 musical performances and plenty of discussions about musical instrument design. Find information about the Musical Organics symposium on the website, and you are welcome to register and join us during the day. The symposium is followed by workshops the next day.

Talk at the Institute of Sonology [ May 2nd 2016 ]
I'll be giving a talk at the Institute of Sonology Den Haag. The presentation is entitled "Interfacing Sound: Visual Representation of Sound in Musical Software Instruments," where I travel through graphical design in both notation and software and the latent continuity to be found.

Elhuyar-CAF artistic grant [ May 1nd 2016 ]
Enrike received the Ehuyar-CAF grant where he will be developing further the supercollider txalaparta software

Alternative Histories of Electronic Music [ April 14th - 16th 2016 ]
I will be presenting a paper on generative music at the Alternative Histories of Electronic Music conference. The conference is organised by James Mooney, in relation to the Hugh Davis research project. See the conference programme for what looks like an excellent event.

Embodied Intelligence in Music – Live [ April 4th - 5th 2016 ]
Asked to write a provocation for the Embodied Intelligence in Music – Live (or EIM-Live) network in Leicester. Thor Magnusson's talk will discuss changes in music consumption, hopefully receiving some critical responses.

New Frontiers in Music Technology [ March 7th 2016 ]
The Berlin-based music software developer Ableton ran a very interesting summit called Loop . I gave a presentation called "Sight and sound: visualizing music in software instruments" and the talk was discussed in an Ableton news article called New Frontiers of Music Tech .

Threnoscope Performance [ February 18th 2016 ]
Thor Magnusson will be live coding using Thrensocope at a concert in Brighton organised by Aural Detrius. The Threnoscope will be released soon and composers are invited to be early user testers for this software. Please contact Thor Magnusson if you are interested.

Interagency in Technologically-Mediated Performance [ January 29th 2016 ]
The Sonic Writing research project started by participating in a wonderful symposium at Bournemouth University on the philosophy of technology in the domain of musical performance, called Interagency in Technologically-Mediated Performance. Thor Magnusson presented a paper on questioning music technology and how technology should be seen as something we do, rather than something we buy.

The symposium will be recorded and eventually uploaded onto the Translating Improvisation project website.

LCRN Day in Somerset House [ January 28th 2016 ]
The last event organised under the two-year AHRC funded Live Code Research Network took place in the Somerset House in London. The day set out to plan the future of the network, which includes this year's ICLC, which will be in Hamilton, Canada in October.

The Sound and Music organisation for new music then hosted a Creative Data Club, where we presented some live coding projects. The day ended with two live coding performances as part of the Big Bang Data exhibition.

Zarata fest Bilbao [ December 15th 2015 ]
Azunak (enrike) will be playing some algorithmic compositions at the Zarata fest in Bilbao. You can hear the recording

Loop Summit [October 30 2015]
Thor Magnusson presents research at the Ableton Loop Summit for Music Makers in Berlin.

ixi lang workshop [October 10th 2015]
Connect the Dots audio+visual live coding for beginners workshop at the Connect the Dots Festival in Sheffield.

Creative Sound Coding with SuperCollider [September 7-12th 2015]
Worksop in synthesis and instrument building using SuperCollider at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts.

Ecoiconoclastas exhibition at Huarte, Pamplona [July 31st- Sept 25th 2015]
Generative sound installation at http://www.centrohuarte.es/

International Conference on Live Coding [July 13-15th 2015]
Through a collaboration with Alex McLean and the universities of Sussex and Leeds, we are organising the ICLC.

Algorave in Sheffield [July 11th 2015]
ixi lang live coding at the Sheffield Algorave in the wonderful Access Space.

Fermata Edinburgh performance [June 27th 2015]
Ferformance of the Fermata piece with Pete Furniss at the Atrium in the Edinburgh University Music Building.

xCoAx Conference [June 24th 2015]
Ferformance of the Fermata piece with Pete Furniss at the xCoAx Conference.

Keynote Talk at the IscMME conference [June 15th 2015]
Thor Magnusson will give a keynote talk entitled "Interfacing Sound: Visual Representation of Sound in Musical Software Instruments" at Leed's IscMME conference.

Concert at ArtoArtian Festa, Sestao [June 15th 2015]
Azunak at Artoartian Festa.

Paper and concert at Ikersoinu Symposium, EHU/UPV Bilbao [April 22th 2015]
Paper: “Haciendo reglas para hacer música: deconstruyendo la txalaparta”.
Concert: Azunak

Talk presenting the reseach on txalaparta. BilbaoArte, Bilbao [April 14th 2015]
Txalaparta: tradición y vanguardia. De Mikel Laboa a John Cage. http://bilbaoarte.org/?p=6582496

Basque Icelandic pidgin music released
In 1615 a ship of Basque fishermen who sailed to the sea north of Iceland every summer to fish whales were shipwrecked on the coast of North-West Iceland. That was just a beginning of a sinister story. This history is multifaceted and includes, for example, a pidgin language and the first dictionary of the Basque language, which was a Basque-Icelandic dictionary. In 2005 Thor Magnusson (Reykjavik) and Enrike Hurtado (Bilbao) travelled along the coast of Iceland staying at Drangnes and Norðurfjörður where the events happened. For three days they did field recordings in that area focusing in the sounds of nature, which are today still almost the same as in 1615. Using those sound recordings they played a concert at Buchsenhausen, Innsbruck, in November 2005. Here is the recording of that concert, and the pictures from the area where the source recordings where made http://ixi-audio.net/pidgin/

Exhibition in Málaga [March 26th 2015]
Generative sound installation at Málaga Fine Arts college.

Presentation at Txalaparta Kongresu Mundiala [March 14th 2015]
Enrike will be demostrating with the help of the txalapartari Beñat Iturrioz the experiments developed as part of his PhD research.

BEASTdome Pantry Sessions [January 23rd 2015]
Thor Magnusson performing in Birmingham's BEAST dome multichannel system with the Threnoscope at their Pantry Sessions.

SLATUR New Year Concert [January 3rd 2015]
Thor Magnusson performs with Aki Asgeirsson and others at SLATUR's New YEar's Concert in Reykjavik Arts Museum, Iceland.

Live Interfaces Conference [November 20-23rd 2014]
Talks and performances during the International Conference on Live Interfaces.

Talk at Fine Arts [November 6th 2014]
Talk at Fine Arts EHU/UPV University. Organised by Ikersoinu www.arteaetateknologia.org

Algorave in Belgium [October 28th 2014]
ixi lang performance in an Algorave event in Gent Sonic Algorave. Further information about Algoraves here.

Bilbao Algorumba [October 17-19th 2014]
Threnoscope performance (and probably some ixi lang as well) during the La Escucha Errante Festival in Bilbao, Basque Country. The Threnoscope performance will be with Iñigo Ibaibarriaga on Saxophone.

MFM RiP seminar @ Sussex University [October 2nd 2014]
The Digital Txalaparta. http://miptl.org/site/uncategorized/autumn-2014-programme/

The Txalaparta at Sussex [October 1st 2014]
Enrike Hurtado Mendieta will present his work at the Music @ Sussex Research Seminars. There will be a txalaparta workshop related to that presentation on October 2nd. All welcome.

Transmute @ Brighton Digital Festival [September 28th 2014]
Thor Magnusson be performs music using the Threnoscope at the Transmute Event which is part of this year's Brighton Digital Festival.

Live Coding and Collaboration [September 25-27th 2014]
As part of the Live Code Research Network, we're organising a Symposium on Live Coding and Collaboration. The event is affiliated with the impressive Network Music Festival in Birmingham.

Pratekonsert in Oslo [September 21st 2014]
Thor Magnusson giving a talk on computer based musical notation in Oslo The plan is that presenters perform together after the talks.

Audiovisual Live Coding Workshop [September 20th 2014]
Thor Magnusson will run an audiovisual Live Coding workshop at Bristol's Arnolfini centre for contemporary art. Information here. The workshop is contextualised in the Encounters Festival Theme of Norman McLaren.

Threnoscope performance [September 19th 2014]
Thenoscope performance at the Encounters Festival in Bristol. This event will be at Arnolfini and include performances by Benjamin Damage, COH & Frank, Konx-Om-Pax, HOL and Thor Magnusson.

Sonic Pi Live Coding Summer School [July 29th 2014]
Presentation of live coding practice and performance at the Sonic Pi Summer School in Cambridge. This is part of a week long summer school for 9-12 year old kids learning live coding and music.

Live Coding and the Body Symposium [July 5th 2014]
As part of the Live Code Research Network, we're organising a Symposium on Live Coding and the Body.

Algorave Brighton [July 4th 2014]
The Live Coding and the Body Symposium starts with an Algorave. Key international people in the are of algorithmic music will present, from Australia to Mexico.

NIME [June 30th 2014]
Thor Magnusson will present a paper on the Threnoscope, give a performance with Adriana Sa, and give a talk on digital notation at a workshop during the International NIME Conference at Goldsmiths University, London.

Musical Materialities [June 27th 2014]
Thor Magnusson will present his paper "The Materiality of Code in Computer Music: On Metaphors and the States of Gates" at the Musical Materialities in the Digital Age conference at the University of Sussex.

Computer Music Journal paper [April 1st 2014]
A paper on live coding by Thor Magnusson in the Spring 2014 issue of Computer Music Journal is freely downloadable: Herding Cats: Observing Live Coding in the Wild.

"Arte y políticas de identidad" paper [April 1st 2014]
A paper on generative music by Enrike Hurtado in the research magazine Arte y políticas de identidad is freely downloadable: Arte y máquinas.

Live Coding Workshop in Brighton [February 19th 2014]
A combinded workshop in ixi lang and Tidal with the DotBrighton in Brighton.

Dark Music Days [January 31st 2014]
Two performances scheduled during the Dark Music Days (Myrkir Musikdagar) in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Lecture at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts[January 29th 2014]
Thor Magnusson will discuss his research and practice at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts in Reykjavik. Starting at 5 pm.

Live Coding Workshop in Sheffield [January 18th 2014]
A combinded workshop in ixi lang and Tidal at the Access Space in Sheffield.

BIME Hackday [November 21st 2013]
A lecture about the use of generative processes in art and music BIME Hackday at the BEC in Bilbao.

Earzoom Festival [October 12th to 15th 2013]
Two performances (using the Threnoscope and ixi lang) are scheduled for the Earzoom Festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Thor Magnusson will also give a presentation about his work on October 13th.

Tuning the Threnoscope [September 27th to 29th 2013]
The recent piece composed for the Trenoscope by Thor Magnusson has been programmed for a three day event organised by Call and Response at Cafe Oto in London.

Dagstuhl Seminar [September 15th to 20th 2013]
A live coding research seminar will be hosted at Schloss Dagstuhl focussing on collaboration and learning through live coding. This event includes some key researchers into live coding and promises to yield some interesting outcomes.

Tuning the Threnoscope [August 16th and 17th 2013]
A piece written for the Trenoscope by Thor Magnusson will be performed at the Museums Quartier in Vienna in events organised by the Call and Response collective in collaboration with TONSPUR . The theme are procedure-based compositions with multichannel audio. Other pieces are by Theo Burt, Mark Fell, Robert Van Heumen, Jeremy Keenan, Matt Lewis, and Michael J Schumacher. Further information can be found on the Museums Quartier website and the Call and Response website.

Digital Score Workshop [June 8th 2013]
Thor Magnusson will give a keynote talk on new scoring practices in digital media at the Digital Score workshop, at the University of Sussex. He will also introduce the Threnoscope system he's currently working on.

Live 2013 [May 19th 2013]
Presentation of live coding and the Threnoscope system at the Live 2013 workshop, which is part of the ICSE Conference (yes, really, it's pronounced as the ixi conference). Thor Magnusson will give a talk at the plenary session.

Helsinki [April 20th 2013]
The yearly research workshop and seminar in Helsinki is upon us. Visiting and giving a guest lecture at the Sibelius Academy of Music.

Algorave [April 17th 2013]
A full evening of algorave taking place in Brighton as part of an European algorave tour with highlighting events at the Live code festival in Karlsruhe, Germany. Further information here

Multichannel sound in SuperCollider [February 23-24th 2013]
The Call and Response Collective have asked ixi to give a workshop in Multichannel sound and composition using SuperCollider. The workshop takes place in AudRey, Hackney, London. Open to all, beginners and more advanced.